Root canal therapy is performed in single or multiple appointments based on your specific case. If an infection is present, Dr. Sahni may place a medication inside the root canal system. You will then return to complete the root canal treatment at a later date. There is no additional fee for multiple appointments. When your root canal has been completed, a temporary restoration will be placed in your tooth. You will need to return to your general dentist to have a permanent filling placed and typically a crown. THIS IS ESSENTIAL FOR THE SUCCESS RATE OF YOUR ROOT CANAL. Please contact your general dentist to make the proper appointments. At the completion of your treatment, our office will schedule you a six-month follow up exam to evaluate the progress of your healing. This appointment is provided free of charge.
The combination of endodontic treatment and the previous condition of your tooth may leave your tooth and surrounding gum tissue slightly tender for several days after endodontic treatment. This tenderness is normal and is no cause for alarm. It is common for discomfort to arise two to three days after treatment, and it may be alleviated by taking ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) as directed.
In a few select cases, pain may be moderate to severe and sometimes swelling may occur. Under these circumstances Dr. Sahni may prescribe a narcotic and/or antibiotic. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions about your healing.
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